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Privacy & Cookie Policy

This page was last updated on January 16, 2022.

This privacy statement applies to the website and services of 2Drive  (hereinafter referred to as “we”, “us”).

We attach great importance to the privacy of our customers and visitors to our website. For this reason, we will only process your data in a way that is in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (AVG or GDPR).

Personal data we collect

We collect data to operate efficiently and provide you with the best experiences with our products and services. You provide some of this information (optionally) directly to us, for example when you fill in a contact form.

Information we collect:

  • Contact information: first name, name, address, email, telephone number

  • Professional data: Company name, VAT number

We also register information about the company in which our members and/or prospects work (eg: VAT number, sector of activity,…).

Be sure to read our cookie statement.

What do we use this personal data for?

The personal information you provide to us may be used to manage our relationship with you, or to customize or improve the website and services related to you. We also process your data to handle your purchases correctly.

We may also use your personal information for marketing purposes, to send you promotional materials or communications regarding services provided by us that we think may be of interest to you.

You can request that we stop sending communications, emails or other correspondence at any time. This can be done without motivation and free of charge, for example by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose at the bottom of every e-mail message.

An overview of our processing activities:

  • Send out newsletter

  • Manage account on the website

  • Improving the service

  • Offer customer service

  • Handling complaints

How long do we keep personal data?

We do not store your personal data for longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the purposes set out in this privacy statement. If you would like further information about the exact term, you can always contact us.

Transfer of data to third parties

Under no circumstances will your data be passed on to third parties.

Security of your personal data

We are committed to protecting the security and confidentiality of your personal data. We use appropriate technical and organizational measures in such a way that the processing complies with the requirements of national and European legislation

Your rights

Right of access and inspection

You have the right to access your personal data free of charge at any time, as well as the use that We make of your personal data.

Right of correction, deletion and limitation

You always have the right to request us to correct, supplement or delete your personal data, you can also do this yourself via the personal settings of your account. You acknowledge that in the event of refusal of communication or request for deletion of personal data, certain services and products will not be available. You may also request that the processing of your personal data be restricted.

Right to object

You also have a right to object to the processing of your personal data for serious and legitimate reasons. In addition, you always have the right to object to the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes; in such case you do not need to give reasons.

Right of free data portability

You have the right to obtain your personal data that are processed by us in a structured, common and machine-readable form and/or to transfer it to other responsible parties.

Right to withdraw consent

When the processing is based on your prior consent, you have the right to withdraw this consent.

Right to lodge a complaint

You have the right to submit a complaint to the Belgian Privacy Commission: Commission for the Protection of Privacy, Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussels, Tel +32 (0)2 274 48 00, Fax +32 (0)2 274 48 35, email:


This privacy statement is tailored to the use of and the possibilities on this website. We reserve the right to change or update this privacy statement at any time.

When we post changes to this statement, we will change the date of the "last update" of the statement. In case of important changes, we will announce this on our homepage. Notwithstanding, we recommend that you periodically read our privacy statement.

Questions and feedback

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, you can contact us using the details below:

  • Our address: Wilselsesteenweg 259  bus 26 3010 Leuven 

  • Our phone number: +32 470 05 34 56

  • Our “Data Protection Officer” via

Cookie Policy

During a visit to this website, cookies are placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that we store on your computer or mobile device when you visit the website.

Cookies are usually used to make websites function optimally, to keep track of the actions of visitors to the website, to save login data, etc. There are different types of cookies that can be distinguished according to their origin, function and lifespan. .

Which cookies do we use and why?

We initially use “First party cookies”. These are technical cookies that are used by the website and that aim to make the site function optimally. Example: Settings made by the user during previous visits to the site.

We also use a number of "Third party cookies". These are technical cookies that are used by third parties and that aim to inform us about your browsing behavior and about your technical data.

What types of cookies are there and what are they for?

1. Essential cookies

Essential cookies are cookies that are necessary for a website to function. They allow basic functions such as page navigation, security, and loading time to work.

2. Functional cookies

Functional cookies are cookies that keep information about your choices and preferences on a website. For example, they remember your language choice, login details or the region in which you live.

3. Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies collect information about website visitor behavior and website performance. Based on the results, the website can be improved and visitors get a better user experience.

4. Marketing cookies

Marketing cookies follow the surfing behavior of website visitors and compile a user profile on the basis of this. This profile is used to make the surfing experience more personal and, for example, to show personalized offers, advertisements, newsletters and the like that match your interests.

How can you disable cookies?

You can disable, delete or adjust the settings for cookies, although our website will no longer work optimally in that case. Do you still want to adjust the settings for cookies? Then you can use the help function of your browser to change this.

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